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tallsoldier77 Group: MembersPosts: 3929Joined: April 2006
Posted: July 15, 2007 3:35 pm CT

BRENT MICHAEL DAVIDS IS A NO-TALENT "EXPERIMENTAL" ARTIST.Mr. Davids has been inexplicably and obsessively labeling me a "white supremacist". Is there such a thing as a Lakota believing in white supremacy? Mr. or Miss, depending on his role playing/winkte lifestyle, has offered no legitimate proof that connects me with any racists organization.His bizarre fixation with the white supremacy movement can only mean one thing: BRENT DAVIDS IS A WHITE SUPREMACIST. How else would he know so much intel about them? He then perjures himself with this racist article on his little, insignificant blogspace:
6/25/2007Is David (Yeagley) responsible? Perhaps he should apprentice with Wilma from the Bad Eagle journal Algonquin cultural center defaced by white supremacists.7/10/2007Can a White Supremacist spawn the FIRST Holocaust Opera? "Yeagley continually astounds with his white supremacist attitudes"----Brent Davids, a.k.a Super WinkteBrent David's, man/woman or two-spirited pathological fatty?Brent, anytime you feel man or woman enough to contact please do so at 310-378-7715. Except when you call this time, lose the Truman Capote voice, it's freaks me out.Toodles fat-boy!TS77 --------------"I was born a Lakota and I shall die a Lakota. Before the white man came to our country, the Lakotas were a free people. They made their own laws and governed themselves as it seemed good to them. The priests and ministers tell us that we lived wickedly when we lived before the white man came among us. Whose fault was this? We lived right as we were taught it..,Chief Red Cloud.
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tallsoldier77 Group: MembersPosts: 3929Joined: April 2006
Posted: July 15, 2007 4:23 pm CT

Is there any one else that would like to challenge me on my position concerning White supremacist attitudes in Indian Country? Jeffery Weise, the neo-Nazi racist hater behind the senseless violence on the Red Lake reservation was just the begining. Now we have the self-defined, sole voice of Native American conservativism drawing a line in the sand for those of us with the audacity to think that we have a right to seek redress for colonialism and genocide. It's a White world and Dr. Yeagley wants us to get that into our thick, Indian skulls. But wait, he goes further by telling us "leftist" Aboriginals that we, as Indian people, are responsible for how things have turned out because we taught White folks the wrong way. In short, The lost White man still needs the Indian to show him the best way to continue his domination over us and other backwards non-White peoples too savage to live on our own. And all this time I thought that fighting for Aboriginal rights was the right thing to do. Instead, I should be re-directing my efforts to "helping" White folks continue to get over at the expense of myself, my people and others unfortunate enough to to have run into European explorers. Don't believe me, Dr. Yeagley can explain himself quite clearly and does: David Yeagley — “But I propose the idea of guilt, alright. Only not white guilt. Indian guilt. American Indian guilt. That's right. The United States of America was shaped by American Indian encounters at every step, at every stage of developement. American Indians are responsible for whatever misanthropy exists in the United States government. We are the fathers of this country, really. We didn't ask for it, true, but it happened. We allowed the bastard child of Europe to grow up in our midst.It is time we owned up to the responsibility which was ours. It's time we acknowledged our role. It's time we took up again the lead. We need to correct the wayward left, and rebuke his abuse of the races, his deceptive, lying fraud. The throne is white. The whites built it, and anyone who tries to deceive the races into thinking that throne belongs to all people is a psychological criminal, a moral thief, and an ideological terrorist. The best American Indians can do now is act as advisors, reminders, consultants. We actually helped shape that throne, by default, yes, but the reality is ours. And the responsibility is ours. We must partake in the American political process. We must let our voice be heard. We must tend to our wayward step-son, grand and might as he is. I believe he needs us, still”If anyone personifies the White Man's Indian in modern day America, it is Dr. David Yeagley. In his own words he has justified European domination over the entire world and defends as well as promotes servitude of non-Europeans to White society. I did not misquote him. I do not need to. Dr. Yeagley needs no assistance to make himself appear like the foolish White racist bigot he really is. And anyone who questions that viewpoint is either wholly ignorant of the facts concerning Aboriginal/United States relations since 1492, or are closeted racists not used to direct challenges to White socio-political rule. In any case, Dr. Yeagley and his supporters are I am sure welcome to the next Ku Klux Klan meeting nearest them. Perhaps if Yeagley put on some WhiteFace make-up, he could entertain the assembled cross-burners with his musical skills. Kinda like the Polish Jews forced to play live music for Nazi functions, including while people were sent to thier deaths. He knows his place and is not ashamed. He should be.Posted by BRENT MICHAEL DAVIDS at 4/29/2007 0 comments Nobody ever comments on any of BMD's stupid little blogs primarily because nobody really cares what a morbidly obese homosexual has to say.........about anything. (LOL)TS77 --------------"I was born a Lakota and I shall die a Lakota. Before the white man came to our country, the Lakotas were a free people. They made their own laws and governed themselves as it seemed good to them. The priests and ministers tell us that we lived wickedly when we lived before the white man came among us. Whose fault was this? We lived right as we were taught it..,Chief Red Cloud.
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tallsoldier77 Group: MembersPosts: 3929Joined: April 2006
Posted: July 17, 2007 6:07 am CT

Thanks Dr. Yeagley!TS77 --------------"I was born a Lakota and I shall die a Lakota. Before the white man came to our country, the Lakotas were a free people. They made their own laws and governed themselves as it seemed good to them. The priests and ministers tell us that we lived wickedly when we lived before the white man came among us. Whose fault was this? We lived right as we were taught it..,Chief Red Cloud.
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Motoy Group: MembersPosts: 1418Joined: Feb. 2007
Posted: July 17, 2007 11:51 am CT

Well there are those like Brent Michael David that just has to be amongst the politically correct lets not talk about any issues that may be the truth cause we sissies may offend somebody. This kind of thinking is exactly why masses of drug gangs and killers and corrupt politicians and banksters that are trying their best to sell this country out are succeeding. Such political correctness is what has turned the white men of their race into scared rabbits afraid to speak up on any issue of crimes when it pertains to any certain race. Hopefully Brent will not be confused after dark for a woman or a galboy! Dr. Yeagley certainly is not a racist and is an open minded enough intellectual type person to allow and view all sides of opinions on issues without worrying about being politically correct scared to speak on hot and touchy subjects. Go get a life Brent or go get a boob job!


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